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Anyone who has any sort of idea will understand this is a retaliation comment by me, after several PM's from MikeeUSA with abusive language. I certainly don't believe a private argument should be cut out of context and manipulated like this. His assumption to know anything about me or my career and work is completely misguided.

What this post does not show is the initial comments and multiple messages of abuse he gave me without reason. And futhermore, trying to public out me is deformation and disgusting that an individual within the industry he tried to be part of and feels that he has to try and degrade someone publicly to get a plus one in an argument.

The discussion started with my correcting you as to the legal
use of Public Domain works (you can use them at will, for any
purpose: they are not copyrighted). This is mentioned in the
above account.

The Free Software movement is a complete rejection of the idea of
proprietary software. There has been no attempt to
"become part of" "the industry"; in fact the exact opposite.
Your industry is seen as a sin.

So again, and now to all, you show your lack of understanding.
This time by your own words, for all to see first hand.

The word is defamation (not deformation) and truth is an absolute bar to recovery on a libel suit.

Since the "defamation" consists simply of a quotation of your own words, your case would fail.

>And if you knew anything about working in the games industry you'd know that it's not our IP when you work on something, duh

The IP Assignment clause also covers work you do at home with no connection to the company.
"During your term of employment" means from the day you are hired till the day they "let you go".
They own all IP you create, including that which you just make for yourself or your hobbies at home.
I mentioned this in my previous post, you have chosen to either ignore it or simple accept that
it is "right" that the company own everything you create, including that which you create at home.
We will never agree: you are happy with your position as a servant.
Go read your employment agreement again.

In Response to:
PeterSatera Wrote:
The fact you decided to try and out me in public is not a surprise and I thought you would have been smarter than that. You do understand what deformation is? Right? Furthermore, your physical matcho threats don't scare me at all, no matter how big you think you are.

I dont make money for my boss, i make money for my loved ones and me to survive, to create games for the gamers and to continue a passion I love. Unlike you, whose intent is to belittle those as much as possible, and preach that your game is beyond what it actually is.

You seem to love insulting people, have are obviously homophobic since you happen to insult both gay people and feminists in attempt to degrade me. Yeah..good luck with that, lol. And if you knew anything about working in the games industry you'd know that it's not our IP when you work on something, duh. And to assume someone who has been doing this for 15 years doesnt know that shows how idiotic you are. I know how the industry works thanks, and by you saying my employers own the IP, shows how completely misguided you are. You evidently don't understand it.

Ooo, I had autocorrect change defamation to deformation. Big deal. And you messages we're no more than correcting me? Is that what you call it? Here' let me quote the random abuse you sent, since you want this so out in the public.

You Message 1:
"Public Domain means no copyright.
That is what public domain means. And do not argue with me over this.
Happy Birthday was NOT in the public domain, thus payments.
FUCKING retard.
Go LOOK UP what PUBLIC DOMAIN means mr "I'm sorry but you cannot use that"

You Message 2 (straight after message 1):
"You can dedicate you work to the Public Domain which extinguishes any copyright claim you hold on it.

My reply: Because it has expired doesn't mean it hasn't been renewed. Which the clip we're talking about, the NASA clip had obviously been, which is why Soundcloud have pulled it. Why are you so mad? I couldn't help to burst out laughing at your comments. Thanks for the laugh!

You Message 3: (you linked me to your hidieous game, randomly like it proves how awesome you are)

My reply: So all of this is your art?

You Message 4: Alot of it is, 60 maps of the over 100, for instance. I also do programming for it.
Other parts are opensource contributions. (Check the credits txt)

My reply: Quantity never replaces quality.You could a million maps, if it' full of junk nobody cares. People deserve a good quality product, not bloated half assed environments.

Your message 5: Go and fuck yourself.
Game also has city generator (by me, code and models), spell casting (again me),
90 weapons, lots of other features
People don't deserve anything for free (which is the price of this game: free and opensource).
And I made these things for me, fucknut.
You would not say these things to my face.

Your message 6: Show your fucking game you FUCKING PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT

My reply: A city coded and generated by you! Holy shit. That's...laughable. So you create some base geometry and then tell it to instance throughout the world spacing it as they propagate. What? You want me to applaud that? I've seen your "buildings"...yeah, I love how they are just dropped in the middle of the road.

Let me extend you the same courtesy you showed me through your abusive PM's. Your art is beyond horrific. You'd think you may have learned a bit...just a tiny bit about texturing before you hammer your models up with ghastly tiling. As I said before, quality our performs quantity, I'm in a Unity/unreal group on Facebook right now, and i've seen 13 year old do better. I'd certainly say this to your face you egotistical dick. You were the one to send me messages first with abuse, I'm simply returning the favor. The only problem was you actually sent someone a message for once who knew what the fuck they are talking about for a change. And now you are hearing the truth from someone who had been in the industry for over 15 years you are getting all offended. So please, take your shit models, your shit UV's, your shit texture and awful excuse for shaders and brag to someone else, because this game wont appeal to anyone who has eyesight.

Aww, mr Mike upset to hear the actual truth? Maybe next time you'll keep your mouth shut for a change before sending someone abusive messages. I dont need to show you my games because I don't need your approval. I've worked on multiple skus, PS3, PS4, Xboxone, Xbox360, Ipad, android, ipod and of course PC, and I don't do it as a hobby. You see, real developers who are passionate about producing a product get rewarded for their time and effort. You dump assets like this together and you think you deserve respect for it. People, the gamers are the ones who should be respected, and you certainly wont ever get that by PMing abuse.
Good luck on your development, you'll need it.

And of course your last message to me:

Message 5
That would be the end of you then. God willing.

You are a SJW faggot that supports women's rights and spends his time making money for his boss.
I like my game. It, atleast, has proper ballistic bullet penetration. Unlike your faggot games.
I didn't just "put assets together", I made many of them (more than half the maps, all the city buildings, all the buildable buildings, etc). And I code.
You are just a faggot who supports feminism, especially when they banned men from being happy in the 1880s.
I pray that you burn in hell. Or burn somewhere.
BTW: do you like that all your IP is owned by your employer, as per your employment contract? SJW pro-women's rights FAGGOT. Yep, even what you do at home, fag.

Yes, you did try to be part of this industry, by making a game and being a developer. And as a developer you think "People don't deserve anything for free". Which is the WRONG mentality to have for your audience. It must be nice to play a game by a guy who plans to exploit his target audience.

And now to correct your ass on contracts on IP. US clauses are not the same as clauses in every other games company. Do not assume that because you have read one agreement it stands for all sectors of the game industry. In my time I have had fulltime contacts, part time contacts and freelance contracts. IP doesn't belong to "my boss." That's what YOU said. I said it doesn't. I never said it belongs to me, I said it doesn't belong to my boss. My boss would be a creative director/producer/ceo etc. They don't own the game. If the game is self published the company owns it, not a person. If the game is published by a publisher, the publisher owns it, not the developer.

All content created therefore is not owned by "my boss." Your words, not mine. You can quote anything you like about IP while working at home, but I can tell you that none of my contracts have anything about doing work at home and the company owning it. NONE. They have a clause stipulating you cannot do work for an entity in direct competition with the company, and that can harm the company. This is NOT the same thing. So before you give off a spiel about knowing about IP clauses in contracts, and as you say, it's an industry you've never been in, then maybe you should think twice. And again, those are employment contracts and part-time/permanent positions.

Your clause completely neglects a very common form of employment within the games industry. Self-employment. For this reason, your fake clause about all work done at home belongs to the company cannot exist in a sole trader/ltd company contact. You can't enforce a clause like that to a self-employed individual. They can work for 10 companies if they liked. I've had the opportunity to work under permanent, contract and freelance contracted in this industry, and you have no idea about contracts we get, and how would you? You said it yourself, you've NEVER been in the industry. So who are people going to believe? Someone who worked on published games, or someone who has never laid a foot in it.

No, this is you simply fishing to once again find something to aggravate me, and it doesn't work because I've done this for too long to have some n00b who makes a few poly boxes and try to show he has bigger shoes than everyone else. No matter what you say, no matter what you post in your news you are known for PM'ing people abuse randomly. But for once you had someone who knew about developing, and instead of praise I told you that it looks like absolute garbage, and you know it does because you, like a scared little boy took down your link to all your images so nobody else could see them. Ashamed are we?

Yeah, you want this out? No problem let everyone see your sexist, homophobic and gay hating personality, I'm sure people want to be part of your game when the see how bigoted you are.

I think everyone will see that what I said was correct and reasonable.

>Yeah, you want this out? No problem let everyone see your sexist, homophobic and gay hating personality, I'm sure people want to be part of your game when the see how bigoted you are.
Nothing new. Do a search.

Also: Such is the traditional belief of my ancestors and culture. Whom I respect and admire (and am grateful for life from)

Also: 90 weaps in my game. You can't touch that, industry shill.
All free and libre.

>Yes, you did try to be part of this industry, by making a game and being a developer.
Nope, not a chance. I've always been a Free Software (FLOSS/Opensource) dev, not
a commercial dev.

>now to correct your ass on contracts on IP.
Not just IP industry employment contracts,
virtually all employment contracts. They all have "we own everything you
do until we fire you" clauses. And yes, they are enforcable in court.
And yes they are certainly in your full time and part time employment contracts,
but may or may not be in your freelance contracts.

Got a dead end job (aren't they all, unless your XX or know someone)
at some retail chain? Yep they own all the IP you create even at home.

Btw you talk like someone who would be shot to death in a major american
city by police while walking down the street.

Why do you talk this way? Are you such a person that would be shot 16 times
untill dead by an american police officer in a major american city?

Are you that sort of guy?

The fact that you just can't let it go, can't understand english fully,
don't even know the proper word for the idea of "defamination" and use
phrases such as "to correct your ass on" suggests that you are just such
a person that an american cop might shoot many times in a large american

Not that a cop should do that: the cop should not do that.
Do you like pit bulls btw?

BTW: You didn't correct anything; there is nothing to correct.
Your boss owns the IP you make at home in your spare time.
(Your boss is the company you work for). The point is that you, being
a good slave, accept that. To feed your family and such (your wage is 8 percent
above your cost of living)

> And as a developer you think "People don't deserve anything for free".
They don't.
People don't deserve any of my time for free.

> Which is the WRONG mentality to have for your audience.
> It must be nice to play a game by a guy who plans to exploit his target audience.
I'm a libre/free/opensource dev, what part of that do you not understand?
Guess you don't know what any of that is.

That means that all my maps, models, music, textures, and code is both:
Opensource. GPL, CC, BSD licensed.
Always has been. Since near the begining.

> They don't own the game. If the game is self published the company owns it, not a person. If the game is published by a publisher, the publisher owns it, not the developer.
The company isn't your boss? Oh you got me!
PS: The company is your boss, yes your boss owns the IP, not you,
glad we agree on that.

The only person doing exploiting here is you and your company.
Non Libre software is a sin and should be eradicated.
I stand with the FSF.

BTW: without creative control you are not doing what you "dream" to do.
You are doing what you are told to do. Like those before you,
in your family, way back when down the line.

Also: Textures in Q3 maps are not UV mapped, they're projection mapped.
Everybody knows this.

What a thug idiot.
Bet he has MAOA-R2

You think you were correct and reasonable? Yeah. Sure. Lets sum up what you have basically said.

- You hate homosexuals.
- You hate feminists.
- Use them as a form of insults even though I'm neither.
- You believe that you should follow in the same idiotic fashion as your ancestry and culture and should continue to be a bigot. (I laughed at that one.)
- Whether your game is commercial or not, you have at one point bought a paid product game, console or other form of gaming product. You are trying to degrade and smear a developer for working in it, for a living while you yourself support that industry by buying any form of content to continue it's existence. You are therefore a hypocrite.
- Your plan to bad mouth me for having a boss, then you fail to recognize how people in life survive.
- You don't understand how freelance contracts work at all, therefore you don't understand exclusivity in work cannot be enforced.
- You deem to understand all the gaming industry without ever working and having experience in it.
- A boss doesn't have the IP, the paying publisher/company does. There's a huge difference between a person and a company. Working for a developer doesn't make the publisher your boss. But publishers retain the IP. You evidently don't understand how this works.
- You assume to know what my cost of living is. This changes dependent on where you live, an idiotic assumption.
- You think people don't deserve what you do for free. I think there's many cases gamers deserve free content. Such as DLC for example.
- You're opensource, and hide behind that using it as a blanket to shield yourself to make bad content. It's not.
- You contradict yourself saying "People don't deserve anything for free", then follow up with "I stand with the Free Software Foundation". While using software based which are created for profit to market your game. So again, biting the hand that feeds you.
- I do have creative control with my current venture, unlike when I worked within multiple developers.
- You assume you know what I do, what I did, who I am, my costs and my ideals. On every point you are completely mistaken.
- You are telling me that I am doing what my family did, in attempt to belittle my career choices and living. When you admittedly are continuing your legacy of bigotry in your family. Hypocrite again.
And really? What's worse? Someone working for a living, like their family did, or someone being a bigoted, homophobic abusive against gays and feminists, using that as derogatory.
- Planar projection, UV. Camera Projection, nobody cares how it's done. It still no excuse for disgraceful development. Free or not.
- I have nothing against free games. You can do what you like, i don't give a shit. Unlike you who seems to hate the corporate entities that produce the games you are evidently inspired by. Since your game is nothing more than a carbon copy of games that came a decade ago.

I've heard your music on here. I've seen your art. And when people like you brag it's hilarious. When it comes down to it nobody cares what you think because everyone will still buy good games, commercial or not.

>You hate feminists.

There is nothing wrong with this.
Go read history, here is one thing feminists did:

>In the United States, as late as the 1880s most States set the minimum age at 10-12, (in Delaware it was 7 in 1895).[8] Inspired by the "Maiden Tribute" female reformers in the US initiated their own campaign[9] which petitioned legislators to raise the legal minimum age to at least 16, with the ultimate goal to raise the age to 18. The campaign was successful, with almost all states raising the minimum age to 16-18 years by 1920.

They should be hated for that. All of Christendom should hate them,
but instead Christendom was subsumed by feminism and progressivism.

>You hate homosexuals.

I never mentioned homosexuals.
A faggot is a bundle of wood to be burned,
or, colloquially, someone who should be burned whilst alive
alongside a witch. Not given a stake because to waste a good
piece a lumber on such a person would be a crime.

>Use them as a form of insults even though I'm neither.

You oppose the tradional form of marraige of man+girl.
(See: Deuteronomy chapter 22, verse 28-29, in hebrew)
And are happy that men are jailed or killed for such

You are a feminist. An ignorant one at that.
I never proclaimed that you were a homosexual.
(read above about what the word denotes)

>You contradict yourself saying
>"People don't deserve anything for free",
>then follow up with
>"I stand with the Free Software Foundation".
There is no contradiction there.

Furthermore people do not deserve anything for free.
They are given things for free by order of Grace and Charity.

Something lacking in proprietary software.

Free in the Free Software Foundation refers to the freedom to
do with the code as you please, not cost paid to have someone
write the software itself. The code may be liberated, but you may
have initially paid a developer for his time.

The fact that you put out closed code, to run on what is supposed
to be our machines, and restrict us from changing that code, is
the sin. Not the fact that someone paied you to create the code.

>While using software based which are created for profit to market your game. So again, biting the hand that feeds you.
This is also incorrect.
I use only free/opensource software.
The game itself, and all it's content is completely free/opensource
(Free as in libre)

>You are telling me that I am doing what my family did,
>in attempt to belittle my career choices and living.
> When you admittedly are continuing your legacy of bigotry
> in your family. Hypocrite again.
I am continuing the legacy of my people, not my family.
Learn to read TH"school your ass"UG.

>I've heard your music on here.
>I've seen your art. And when people like you brag it's hilarious.
> When it comes down to it nobody cares what you think because
> everyone will still buy good games, commercial or not.

The path of the crusade is long, but eventually virtue will prevail
You reign now, proprietary adversary, but not forever.

>Planar projection, UV. Camera Projection,
>nobody cares how it's done. It still no
> excuse for disgraceful development. Free or not.

Not being a faggot myself, I don't get too caught up in
niggling details. There's only so much time. It's more important
that ballistic bullet penetration is correct (BSP has volume, unlike
the model formats you use) than how pretty it looks.

Only faggots care about looks above all else in anything other
than girls and women.

>Since your game is nothing more than a carbon copy
> of games that came a decade ago.

Show me an FPS that has a city generator (with interiors),
90 weapons, spell casting, RTS style buildable buildings
(with interiors), proper ballistic bullet penetration,
furniture building, block style building, oil oceans, chemical seas,
methane lakes, and various other features I can't remeber.

Show me one game that has all of that.
And from 10 years ago.

Comon. Hop to it.

>I have nothing against free games.

>You can do what you like,
And I do :)
And if you said I couldn't do what I liked.
I'd still do what I like.

> i don't give a shit.
You just keep talking, showing how much you don't care.